Twitter Wrap-Up for Week of January 14 through January 18

If you’re not following us on Twitter, here’s what you’ve missed lately:

Web and Software Development

  • Implementing your own Cookie Storage
  • Populating a DataSet Using SQLDataAdapter Fill DataSet
  • RT @TJBarrie1 #OpenSource Programming Language #Scala Gets A New Version 2.10.0
  • RT @mrpaladin Junior : a front end editor for creating mobile apps with HTML5 #programming
  • RT @skalinets Still confused by floating point arithmetic? check this out #programming
  • Getting Started with HTML5 Video
  • 8 Mistakes Most C# Developers Make
  • What is Cleanroom Software Engineering
  • Making a sphere with CSS
  • Very cool spinning circular menu done with CSS
  • RT @campusMVP Eight Reasons C# is the Best Language for Mobile Development
  • A Comparison of Methods for Building Mobile-Optimized Websites
  • Content Hover, a JQuery Image Hover Plugin
  • Seven Wonderful and Creative JQuery Login Form Ideas
  • Secrets to Selecting Elements Returned From JQuery Ajax Response Strings
  • Why Testing Your Web Site is Important
  • 20 HTML 5 Tutorials, Tips, and Tricks
  • Building multi-threadded JavaScript applications using Web Workers
  • RT @VisualStudio Here’s a simple bit of code to help you position a MessageBox in C#. It can be done – with ease!

Technology and the Computer Industry

  • VMware and Red Hat In Battle Over Control of Vert.x Open-Source Project
  • Homeland security recommends disabling/uninstalling Java on computers in lieu of newly discovered exploit

Web Design

  • Web Designers … From a Web Engineer’s Perspective
  • Three Digital Media Predictions for 2013
  • Making the Transition from Freelance to Agency
  • The Evolution of Web Design
  • 5 Strong Indicatators That You Should Redesign Your Website
  • Whitespace, and it’s importance in your site design
  • Why prototyping is essential to any good design process
  • Negative space is important for design because it decides where your eyes will be drawn to on the page.
  • 10 Don’ts When Designing for Email
  • Five Design Mistakes that Make Your Blog Boring
  • 21 Fresh Examples of Websites Using HTML5

Project Management and Business Analysis

  • RT @CalvinSitt Exclusive Webinar: How You Can Save Hours Of Time By Making Project Management Simpler … via @rdempsey
  • RT @thePMObox Project Managers Need an Elevator Pitch Too @halasaleh1 #pmp #pmbok #projects #pmot #pmi #apm –
  • RT @ZilicusPM RT @ClarityProjMgmt: Top 10 tips for a successful delivery of a project: via @ZilicusPM
  • Thre three pillars of the whole team approach to project management
  • A 3-Step Process to Painless Project Management
  • Continuing the series — Chess and the Art of Business Analysis, Part 3
  • Continuing the series — Chess and the Art of Business Analysis, Part 2
  • You’re most likely proud of your communication plan, but you probably missed the barriers to effective communication
  • Leadership Failure: 4 Signs of Inevitable Disaster and How to Avoid It
  • Ambient Productivity Strategies

Marketing and Social Media

Miscellaneous Items of Interest

  • What’s New in Chrome 24
  • RT @edutopia Good read via @kiki_lee: Opinion: Should schools introduce #computerscience earlier? #STEM #Programming

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