Salesforce Summer ’24 Release: Standout Features for Nonprofit Cloud

The Salesforce Summer ’24 release is here and the best word to describe it is “massive.” Salesforce filled this release with excellent upgrades and new features, especially for Nonprofit Cloud. When it comes to fulfilling nonprofit wish lists, Salesforce really listened. 

The Galvin nonprofit team picked a few of our favorite enhancements so you can get as excited as we are. We factored in efficiency, visibility, and overall organizational impact. Get ready to say goodbye to many of the manual tasks and messy work that stands in the way of meeting your mission.

For other Salesforce users, we compiled a list of  Summer ’24 Release Top 10 Standout Features. Be sure to check out additional highlights you won’t want to miss.

Okay, let’s look at what’s sizzling in the Summer ’24 Release for nonprofits.


When it comes to fundraising, Salesforce is strategically focusing on three areas: high-touch fundraising, mass market fundraising, and executing on the business of fundraising. The goal is helping organizations scale their fundraising efforts efficiently.

RFM Scoring

RFM Scoring allows users to develop criteria based on recency, frequency, and monetary value of donations. The score displays on the donor profile allowing teams to focus their efforts on those likeliest to donate and to personalize outreach. Galvin’s Erica McNichol authored an in-depth article on RFM Scoring. Dig into how scores calculate, ways to put scores to work, and why we think this one is a game-changer.

Acknowledgements and Receipts

This has been one of the biggest requests of Salesforce and it is finally here! Now you have configurable templates to generate, send, and store acknowledgments and gift receipts. Create a single acknowledgment or send them in bulk, like end-of-year tax receipts. Grab a template, set the parameters, and let Salesforce get to work.

Multiple Addresses

People move around, but previously the platform only let organizations track the current donor address. The latest release allows you to store multiple addresses for each donor so they never miss an ask. This is an important update for those in Nonprofit Success Pack wanting to migrate their addresses to Nonprofit Cloud.

Recurring Donations in Gift Entry

Keying in recurring donations just got much easier. With this enhancement, you can create a recurrence during gift entry at the first installment. New fields and processing logic let users record the gift commitment, schedule recurrences, and apply designations. Staff no longer must remember to set up the recurrence as a separate step.

Fundraising Gift Proposals

Nonprofit Cloud now is using artificial intelligence to look at donor records to generate a personalized proposal. The AI examines activities like organizational interactions and giving history to tailor a proposal based on a donor’s unique interests and level of engagement. The proposals display on the copilot conversational interface. This is a great enhancement for nonprofits looking to reach major donors better.

Programs Suite

Programs Suite focuses on strategy and planning, delivery, evaluation, and outcome reporting. The end-to-end solution enables teams to do more, from the strategic planning process all the way to evaluating their success.

Program Cohorts

Want to ensure no one slips through the cracks of your programs? The new Program Cohorts feature allows users to manage people as groups moving through a program together. Group Program Engagements based on cycles, locations, dates, or any metric that matters. The upgrade will save staff time while improving results monitoring.

Program Manager Home Page

Program managers have a new way to start their day with a page full of important information to guide their work. The new Program Manager Home Page includes tasks, new inbound referrals, program snapshots, target performance, and more.

Remove Participants from Multiple Sessions

Previously, removing someone from all upcoming Benefit Sessions meant doing them one by one. It was a huge time suck. Now you can remove a participant, or multiple participants, from all upcoming sessions by clicking “Remove from this and following sessions.” Not only will this save time operationally but should boost customer satisfaction.

Streamlined Note Taking

Ditch the sticky notes and file folders. Now you can take notes directly inside Salesforce. The new user interface allows you to make case notes, record a donor interaction, or capture any important details within one data entry screen. No need to write something down and record it later. Everything goes inside the platform, which is great for visibility, security, and efficiency. Plus, the generative AI reviews the notes when crafting donor proposals.

Program Summaries

AI also is helping with program management by analyzing Salesforce data to create program summaries, report on outcomes, and detail disbursements. This could be a great help to organizations looking to better communicate with their donors on program performance and how their money is going to good use.

Additional Notable Enhancements

Big things come in small packages. These add-on features may be the perfect tools for saving time and improving your data management.

Intelligent Document Reader

The new Intelligent Document Reader automatically extracts information from uploaded documents. The tool then uses the data to update record fields or verify if the details already exist in the platform. Intelligent Document Reader works with both handwritten and printed documents across multiple languages.

Care Barrier and Code Set Data Model

Organizations can develop the perfect programs, but if there are barriers to access, it doesn’t matter. The new Care Barrier feature allows nonprofits to track specific barriers by participant to monitor and hopefully eliminate them over time for better service and outcomes. The enhancement also helps standardize billing code tracking for more accurate, efficient billing related to provided services.

Learn More

These enhancements and upgrades are just a fraction of what has us excited about the Summer ’24 release for Nonprofit Cloud. There’s even more to come on grantmaking too.

To learn more and discover additional release features, check out these resources:

See a feature you want to implement? Let’s get to work. The Galvin team will learn the use case, implement the solution, and train your staff. From consulting to development to admin support—our team will help you make the most of every mission-enabling enhancement.


We’d love to work with you on your Salesforce needs. Our team of certified Consultants can work closely with your team to close more deals. Call us at 317-297-2910 or complete the form below.

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