Top #Salesforce Pins on Pinterest

#Salesforce Pinterest

Pinterest is not only good for recipes and DIY plans but it is also a great place to come across great business content and infographics. This week we wanted to share with you some of the

[tweet_quote] top #Salesforce pins on Pinterest that might be of interest to you.[/tweet_quote]

How CRM Helps Small Business
How CRM Helps Small Businesses.  An infographic that explains it all from

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An infographic by Cloud for Good explaining the old vs. new in CRM

Everyone who has Salesforce loves the web-to-lead capabilities.  But this pin pointed us to a great blog by DKKMA on how to stop the spam from coming into those forms.

How to build a thriving Salesforce Community

Companies want to build and maintain communities.  This pin sends us to a Slideshare presentation on how to build a thriving Salesforce community.

Small Business Salesforce Apps

Last spring Business2Community launched a whitepaper on the top 5 apps of the Salesforce AppExchange for small businesses.

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