Helpful Chrome Extensions for Salesforce Admins

Chrome Extensions for Salesforce Admins

Google’s Chrome browser offers countless customization and plugin options; many of them are particularly helpful to the Salesforce platform. Salesforce admins should investigate these extensions to see how they can streamline their workflows.  Below are some of my favorite Chrome Extensions for Salesforce Admins.

Boostr for Salesforce

This extension’s various functions include the ability to search when adding items to a change set and filter by type when adding to a change set. This allows you to see all the items of a given type on one page when adjusting change sets. Boostr also generates a checkbox to the administrator table header so you can quickly check and uncheck all items in that column. This extension also displays API Names next to field names whenever you edit a field set. You can also use Pascal Case for the API Names when generating new objects and fields.

The Boostr Salesforce extension also prevents placeholder text from filling in the setup area sidebar, making adjustments easier. On the field history tracking page, Boostr also displays the number of selected fields, and users have the ability to uncheck all page layouts by default whenever they create new fields.


This simple extension allows you to copy table columns using Alt + Click on any table cell. It will save the contents of the column to your clipboard. You can copy an entire table with Shift + Alt + Click. This extension also allows you to configure your keyboard shortcuts for these functions.

Go Directly To User Detail on SFDC

This extension redirects admins directly to User Detail instead of new Chatter User Profile on

S1 Demo

The S1 demo extension opens Salesforce1 Mobile in a new phone-sized window, a fantastic added function for mobile development.

Salesforce Admin Check All

This extension adds checkboxes to the Object Permissions and Field Permissions lists on the Object Settings page for Profiles and Permission Sets. While this may seem somewhat limited, future versions of this extension will expand this functionality to other setup areas.

Salesforce API Fieldnames

This small, simple extension allows admins to toggle between API field names and labels on Salesforce detail pages.

Salesforce Change Set Helper

Admins can perform comparisons with other organizations and easily change sets with sort, view all, and additional information.

Salesforce Colored Favicons

This extension overrides the standard Salesforce favicon with a customized icon for the organization. This useful function also displays a separate icon for sandbox instances.

Salesforce Data Exporter

This straightforward extension allows admins to export Salesforce data lists to csv files with one click.

Salesforce Hotkeys (Beta)

Everyone loves hotkeys, and this extension adds several useful hotkeys to your Salesforce record page.

Salesforce Navigator

When installed, this extension allows admins to use Ctrl + Shift + Space to perform a search. Start typing where you want to go, and then click the appropriate result. This can drastically cut the time you spend searching.

Salesforce Setup Search Helper

This search extension prevents the Salesforce setup menu search bar from overwriting what you type with a “Search All Setup” tool.

Quick Login As

Cut down on time spent hunting for alternate account credentials. This extension makes it easy to login as another user while maintaining the page you’re currently viewing.

Inline Editing for Reports

This extension is self-explanatory and it is so helpful!

Fake Data

Sometimes you need to generate examples or perform tests, and this extension allows you to fill form input fields with fake random data.

These are just a few of the extensions you can use to make Salesforce more functional and easy to use. Instead of struggling with the standard configurations, explore the extensions that can make your Salesforce experience faster, more accurate, and more useful to your organization.

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