For Men: How to Effectively Pack for Dreamforce

For Men: How o Pack for Dreamforce

Dreamforce ’14 is next week and over 140,000 people are prepping and finalizing their plans. Whether it’s finalizing your Agenda-Builder, setting up final meetings or trying to catch up with old friends you have a busy week ahead of you. This is my third Dreamforce and I’ve learned my lesson when it comes to packing my bags. I’ve made the mistake of overpacking and lugging everything around San Francisco so I thought I would put this blog post together to share with you my suggestions on how guys can pack their bags for the 3-4 days they will be at Dreamforce. Plus, this will also be my checklist when I start packing next Sunday.

1. Choose a lightweight suitcase:

Remember that most airlines now charge for every pound you spend more than you. If you can bring a light weight bag, it will facilitate your trip. Ideally you want a bag that you can put in the overhead bin of the airplane.

2. Choose Your Shoes Wisely:

Choose carefully the shoes that you are going to wear as this will be the heaviest part of your luggage. If you need two pairs of shoes (i.e. a black and brown pair) then try to wear one pair on the plane and pack the other pair. A few weeks back I bought a pair of Cushe shoes and they are super comfortable. Although they are not too dressy they easily squeeze in a suitcase and they are ideal for the Bruno Mars concert on Tuesday or even some of the late night parties on Wednesday.

3. Choose your looks before you start packing:

Try to be clear that garments are going to combine with others and so it will optimize your space and also saves time. Dreamforce is an event that most men dress in business attire. Monday and Tuesday are typically the days where men wear sport coats or sweaters, dress shirts and dress pants. Wednesday most men generally leave the sport coat off and they are a bit more casual. Thursday is the most casual day. Don’t worry about wearing the same pair or pants and dress shirt twice during Dreamforce. Two dress shirts are much easier to pack then four dress shirts. Plus, although laundry service is pricey it is worth it.

4. Things to place in the background:

The jeans, underwear and shoes go on the bottom or can be rolled on the sides of the case (you can put on socks and tie wrapped into shoes).

5. The most delicate clothing goes up:

The suits and shirts are most delicate; so they go in the middle and top. If you wear a sweater, especially if one made of cashmere, we suggest you put it on the top to prevent the fabric from being assaulted.

6. Pack a suit jacket with the inside facing up:

This way it will be protected from the rose with other garments, which could damage it.

7. Let your suitcase be the only bag yor bring:

Every year Dreamforce will provide all attendees with a bag. So don’t bring your laptop bag. As a matter of fact – if you don’t need your laptop then leave it behind. But if you must bring your laptop then put it in the suitcase. For the plane ride I only need my iPad and charger and I used real small satchel that is just big enough for my iPad. I use that for carrying all the things I need on my flight.

8. Leave room in your suitcase:

You will get swag at Dreamforce and some of it is really cool stuff that you will need and use. Leave room in your suitcase so you can take the swag home.

9. You will need extra chargers:

Imagine the scene of someone stranded in a desert and their first view of water. This is how everyone is with the electrical outlets at Dreamforce. You need the electrical outlets to charge your phones but there will be times that you just can’t find one. I recommend getting two portable chargers. Keep these in your bag and use them. You will be glad you brought them. Plus, you can count on the fact that some company will be giving out portable chargers as swag.

10. Always carry reserves:

You can take a scanned copy at high resolution of your driving license, your passport, visas and credit cards in the SD memory of your Smartphone or on your computer HD. It will be a lifesaver if you lose something.

What do you think of these suggestions? If you have suggestions for the men out there on how to pack then leave a comment below. In the meantime, I’ll see you out at Dreamforce.

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