Your Lead-Generating Website Has To Focus on the Sales Funnel

ToFu - Lead Generating Website

A carefully designed inbound marketing strategy has the ability to attract visitors and convert them into qualified leads. In order to accomplish this it is essential to have a good understanding of how these potential leads come in, progress through the marketing sales funnel, and hopefully become customers.

Introduction to ToFu

The top of the funnel (ToFu) is the top tier of the marketing sales funnel. Marketing to this level is the first step in generating leads. The aim is to create a large social community of potential customers.

3 Steps of ToFu Marketing

  1. Create high quality content for your website to target a large audience.
  2. Get your content optimized for search engines so your audience can find you.
  3. Distribute your unique content across all social media platforms to help drive potential prospects into your website.

Why Should Lead Generation Focus on ToFu?

[tweet_quote hashtags=”#Inbound” ]Lead generation efforts should focus on the ToFu level because the goal is to attract a large set of prospects. [/tweet_quote] You want to get as many visitors to the website who can progress through the funnel and become customers. The right content marketed at this level can help build trust in a company’s knowledge and expertise.

Tips for Generating Qualified Leads

First and Foremost, You Need a Website that Focuses on Leads

Most B2B companies struggle with creating a strategy for generating leads online. They are unsure about how and where to begin. The first step is to build a website and incorporate compelling content in it. A professional website with attention-grabbing content can bring visitors in. After that there are certain traffic-driving tactics that you can use to attract people to your website such as social media, paid advertising, search engines, email marketing and more. Check out our blog post on how to focus your website project on lead generation.


The importance of blogging in online lead generation cannot be overemphasized. This is where you showcase your industry knowledge and expertise. Create blog posts that inform the audience about a specific topic, question or issue relevant to your field. With blogging, the goal is to educate, not to sell. This compels the readers to revisit your website for more information later on, thereby establishing your reputation as a trusted resource.

Convert Them with a Landing Page

The landing page is where the sale begins. This page should contain a clear description of company’s service, product lines, contact information, and links to your social media pages. It should highlight testimonials and customer reviews that can build your potential customers’ confidence and trust in you. Finally and most importantly, it needs to have a form that captures the visitors information. Once that form is submitted it needs to insert directly into your CRM and thus into your sales processes.

When your website strategy is focused on generating qualified leads then you have great potential to keep the top of your sales funnel full. It’s up to your sales team or marketing automation to then take that lead and move them through the sales funnel so they ultimately become a paying client.

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