Customer Experience Management – Part I: What is CXM?

What is Customer Experience Management (CXM) ?Traditionally and too frequently, businesses have separated their sales information, sales processes, marketing and internet marketing efforts. This leads to less effective and inefficient efforts across the board to attract, manage, and maintain relationships with prospective clients, leads, and current clients.

Over the past few years the concept of Customer Experience Management (CXM) has been gaining ground in the business world. The goal of CXM is to deliver a customer-centered strategy that provides a superb experience for each user in order to turn prospects into life-long clients. This is accomplished through the use of technology to provide a personal and consistent experience incorporating inbound marketing, personalized web experiences, a customer relationship management (CRM) system, and automated marketing. That is the Galvin CXM Model.

Over the next several weeks, we will be expounding on the various elements of the CXM Model to build a better understanding of how this process will affect your business. Upcoming topics in this series will discuss the relationships between CXM and:

  • Social Media
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Website User Experience
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems
  • Marketing Automation

For more information on CXM, subscribe to our blog to be notified of upcoming posts or check out our CXM page. If you’d like to discuss CXM and what it can do you for business, contact us online.

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