Amazing New Salesforce1 Apps that are Free

The Salesforce AppExchange is loaded with amazing apps that will keep you productive no matter where you are!  There have been a few recently added apps for Salesforce1 that are free and worth checking out.  Let’s take a look at them, and see all the benefits they bring to the table.

Product Catalog

Produce Catalog MobileFirst up is the Product Catalog.  It is an amazing app that makes it easy to showcase your business.  In the virtual world in which we live everyone wants to see the shiny objects, not just read about them.  This app allows you to make a stunning catalog full of whatever your heart desires.  Customers are waiting to browse through your items, so grab the free Product Catalog and get started!


Magpie for SalesforceThe next free app is Magpie, which provides the most efficient way to upload photos to Salesforce from your desktop or mobile device.  Sounds great right?  Well it does much more than that.  Magpie allows you to organize your photos into special albums and post them to Chatter so that you can share multiple images at once!  This is truly an amazing app, and don’t forget…it’s free!

Relevant Content

One of the hardest part of being a salesperson is having to actively search for relevant content to close deals.  Those days are long gone thanks to the appropriately named Salesforce1 App, Relevant Content.  Inside the app you are able to view all the relevant content based on keywords, and then proactively email them to prospects or save them for future use.  All that is awesome, but if you want a bit more in depth or specific items you can proactively search for terms without leaving Relevant Content.  Seal the deal without all the hassle with this superb app!

My Task List

The next app allows you to manage your “To Do” list inside of Salesforce.  How many times have you missed opportunities due to .  There is not a better app for keeping your busy schedule nice and tidy than My Task List.  The app allows you to sort, filter, and add new tasks on the go…no matter where you are!  You have full control over everything on your list, from editing to closing.  Make your life easier by grabbing My Task List!

Infinite Views

Infinite Views is yet another free and powerful Salesforce1 app.   It allows you to save time by showing you the information which you care the most with a single click on your phone..  No more jumping through hoops to get to information you view on a regular basis, simply set up different views, organize them, and apply filters to fit your personal need.

Evernote for Business

Evernote for BusinessThe last free Salescorce1 app we are going to be checking out is Evernote Business for Salesforce.  Evernote is an easy way to share knowledge and information throughout your workplace via their intuitive tools.  You can do so many things with Evernote Business such as clip websites with relevant news, use your phone to photograph a clients business card, scan documents, and much more.  You can view your most recent notes and search for keywords to find the exact note you are looking for.  Give it a shot, you will be glad you did!

[tweet_quote]If you are a Salesforce1 user, you should absolutely check these amazing free apps out. [/tweet_quote] They all serve their purpose wonderfully, and are sure to make you much more productive.  In this day and age productivity and efficiency are the what “separate the men from the boys.”  Enjoy, and happy selling!
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