Similarities between Content Strategies and Fitness Programs


While browsing through the app store on my phone, I started looking at fitness apps. I had read about them and how helpful they are in getting into an exercise routine. After reading some descriptions and reviews of applications it struck me how similar a fitness program is to a good content strategy for your website.

Set Your Goals

You are currently at point A. What is point B? With a fitness or diet program you will be looking at measurements such as weight loss or increased capability. Your content strategy goals can be just as concrete. Do you want your website to generate 5 actionable leads per month or, are you looking for increased interaction with your target audience?

Plan Your Routine

Both fitness programs and content strategies consist of the same major elements – doing the right thing for the right number of repetitions over a given set of time.  Creating an editorial calendar to plan each day and week for your content strategy is a great start to organizing your content creation needs.


Executing on your content strategy will become second nature with the more repetitions you complete. Exercising your plan with the proper amount of effort will pay off. As any gym trainer will tell you, you can’t afford to take it easy and you need to stay motivated.


Get your Content Strategy up and running!

Have your actions been moving you closer to your goals? If not, what do you need to adjust to reach those goals? With each piece of content, you can measure a number of things, such as  comments, likes, shares, retweets, organic search traffic and views. If you are not getting the results you are looking for, then it is time to adjust your plan.

Want to learn more about Content Strategies? Contact us, we’d be glad to talk with you about it.