Salesforce Trailhead Puts Us on a Road to Success

Salesforce Trailhead

We are seeing an exponential growth in the technological environment in today’s time. The demand and needs of the business call for solutions that connect business to the world quickly. At the head of this innovation is Salesforce as they continue to offer the most innovative cloud platform.

However, we all know that technology moves fast. Look at the technology you use today, and within a year there will be something out there that is better, lighter, and faster. The speed at which technology moves is just simply amazing, but as someone who works in technology, it is an ongoing challenge to keep up with it. Salesforce has identified this and has put together one of the best training solutions I have ever been a part of — Trailhead.

trailhead800x500What is Salesforce Trailhead?

Salesforce Trailhead is an online learning path that consists of a series of guided modules and lessons that continues to educate developers, administrators, executives, salespeople, and more. As a result, everyone who is involved with Salesforce and wants to learn more about it can use Trailhead and be confident that they are receiving the latest educational content.

There Are Rewards, Too

Rather than just putting content out there and telling people to go read and learn, Salesforce has instead utilized gamification into Trailhead by rewarding those who complete a “trail” to receive a badge. These badges are not only displayed on our Salesforce Trailhead profile but can be shared on our LinkedIN and other social media platforms. Plus, it provides some fun competition around the office and others involved in the Salesforce community.trailhead_badges_9-10-15_nup4qa

How will Salesforce Trailhead help?

The best part about Trailhead is that we can choose the appropriate trail that we need to focus on right now. This means that not everyone has to take the same set of trails. Instead, users can identify what they want to learn or get better at and then head down that trail (learning path). For example, a few weeks ago I wanted to learn more about Salesforce Wave. So I jumped onto various Salesforce Wave trails and earned a few badges that gave me the knowledge to assist a client on a Salesforce Wave solution.

The learning paths are divided into three hierarchical levels that are trails, modules, and units. The sequence remains the same so users do not have to browse too much to understand what to learn first.

Keeping in mind the time we invest in online reading, the units are quite short that can take anywhere from 5-30 minutes for one time reading. The language is simple and only the content that is important is included, making the entire learning experience an easy one. It adds to the value of learning.

If you want to check what you know at the end of the session, then you can simply answer the multiple choice questions and wait for the instant feedback, or, at the end of some units, display the skills you’ve learned in a demo environment that is provided to you free of charge from Salesforce. It is at the end of the units or modules where the users earn badges and points. These are displayed in the profile and you can actually get acknowledgements for it.

How is Salesforce Trailhead Better?

There are many ways to learn more about Salesforce. There are events, user groups, online communities, documentation, Salesforce support, and more. But Trailhead has been a game changer, and in my opinion is the best solution to learn more about Salesforce. The experience of Trailhead is very detailed, but simple in language and understanding. In addition, the experience of going through trails, learning, testing, and obtaining badges is very easy. I also like how the lessons are short and mostly under 30 minutes. This encourages me to do a quick lesson and then get back to work as opposed to spending all afternoon combing through documentation or going to a class.

At the end of the day Trailhead provides the user with the information to learn a Salesforce feature such as its background, contextual, conceptual, and procedural in one integrated package. So if you want to develop a Salesforce app, you know exactly what a feature is, as well as how and when to use it.

For more details, or to start earning your own badges, visit today!

Also published on Medium.

Also published on Medium.