Free eBook Download – Cracking the LinkedIN Sales Code

LinkedIN works.  For Galvin Technologies it is one of our leading online media outlets that drives in leads as well as being a great tool to build professional relationships.

Recently,  RainToday Contributing Editor Jill Konrath, created an eBook called “Cracking the LinkedIN Sales Code”.  Essentially, Jill explains what top sellers are doing on LinkedIn that you’re not!

Earlier this year, Jill created a survey on LinkedIN as well as leading sales people on how they use LinkedIN.  She compiled these results in her recent ebook.

In Cracking the LinkedIn Sales Code, you’ll get the inside scoop on:

  • LinkedIn’s capabilities that top sellers use frequently
  • Their strategies and mindset that lead to more business
  • Action steps to better leverage LinkedIn for prospecting

Download the ebook today from Jill’s website

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