Choosing the Right Content Management System (CMS)

To compete in today’s internet world

[tweet_quote]your requirements for a Content Management System (CMS) should be far more than simply managing content. [/tweet_quote]Content and graphics alone won’t capture the attention of your audience today like it use to. Today, it is about delivering a personalized experience to each visitor while ensuring you are able to collect as much data on them as you can. With the abundance of powerful interactive features, collecting and utilizing customer behavior for personalized interactions, and displaying content optimized for mobile devices your website, today’s Content Management Systems have the ability to help you grow sales and drive in more revenue then ever before.

When evaluating a CMS for your next project take these features into consideration:

User Personalization:

At any point in time the same webpage can deliver two separate messages to two different visitors based on what information your website has been able to capture about them. Look for a CMS that collects and utilizes visitor information to personalize the experience. The CMS should capture information and insights about your user and combine it with customer intelligence from other systems. A great example would be This integrates a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for a comprehensive view of the customer.

Email & Automation:

In order for your website to drive higher conversion rates you must implement marketing automation.  Look for marketing automation capabilities so that when you capture leads through your website you can then retain them back to landing pages or call-to-actions which will streamline your marketing efforts.

Flexibility to connect with other business applications:

Your website should not run in a silo but rather be integrated with your other software applications.  Think of your website as the hub of your complete Customer Experience, with your other applications sharing information back and forth.  The objective is to break down the silos and join everything together.  Insist on the ability to easily integrate any and all of your line-of-business applications, such as customer databases, Customer Relationship Management  and Enterprise Resource Planning systems. Look for prebuilt integration with leading enterprise software packages.

Your website should entice your user not only through design, but content that is living and breathing. With the addition of personalized content you are able to drive traffic and increase revenue. Since the website is oftentimes the first entry point for many prospects and customers then the experience you give them should be created with care.

For more information on what software selection is best contact Galvin Technologies and we will gladly showcase two of our parters – SiteCore and Kentico.

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