Benefits of Implementing Personalization into Your Website

[tweet_quote]No longer are websites supposed to be static. [/tweet_quote]Although you may have a content management system (CMS) if you are displaying the same content to every user then your website is static. Instead, your website can provide a personalized user experience that in real-time enables your website to provide a better user experience for the visitor.

As visitors begin their journey on your website you get to know them better through each interaction they have with your webpages. Throughout their journey your website will collect key data points that are linked to specific personas within the content management system. Then as that user comes back into the website they are presented with information tailored specifically for them.

A Basic Example

Here is an example –  if you are a clothing manufacturer that sells clothes for both men and women then you want to make sure that your visitors see the products they are most interested in. When an anonymous (ie. first time visitor) visits your website they are presented with a default experience that would show call-to-actions to both men’s and women’s clothing. Since you are a man, you start clicking within the men’s clothing line and within there you begin clicking on pants and shoes but you don’t buy anything. Then, when you come back to the website the homepage would present you with a feature image and call-to-actions to men’s pants and shoes along with other items that shoppers like yourself might be interested in. In the meantime, a women is on the same website at the same time and is receiving an experience tailored to her by showcasing women’s clothing apparel.

Significant Business Results of Personalization

When you implement personalization into your website your company will experience the following benefits:

  • The ability to service your visitors with content that is specific to their vertical, role or geography.
  • Better positioning of your products, services or brand so your targeted solutions resonate with the ideal audience.
  • Better opportunities to upsell and cross-sell across your products or services.
  • Move prospects through the sales funnel faster by presenting them with relevant content that they would be interested in.

Personalization Ultimately Improves Your Customer Experience and Conversions

Consumers know what they want and you have the capabilities to provide it to them.  By implementing personalization into your website you can make sure that each individual visitor has an experience that gives them the content they are seeking.  Ultimately, personalization allows companies to:

  • Present entirely different websites based on a visitor’s profile, location or other key segments.
  • Implement marketing automation solutions that are triggered based on a user’s action within the website.
  • Track a visitor’s behavior to understand their place in your sales funnel and allow your website to move them through.
The Tools Your Need
In order to implement personalization you need a content management system that is more than just a webpage editor.  Two leading CMS providers that Galvin has partnered with are:
  • SiteCore, is the leading CMS provider and their “Customer Engagement Platform” allows companies to create specific experiences that are relevant to each user.
  • Kentico which has a segmentation and personalization engine allows you to view a user’s demographics and behavior patterns to serve them the content they are looking for more effectively.
Personalization is not fairly new in the world of website strategy but is gaining huge momentum.  As you go into your next phase of website planning it needs to be on your agenda.  Contact Galvin and we will be happy to provide you with any information or demos that you would need.

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