Case Study: Streamlines Workflow and Data Security with Customized Salesforce Solutions

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From Fortune 2000 brands to small and mid-sized businesses, is committed to ensuring that innovative solutions and exceptional service remain paramount for advertisers’ digital marketing needs. But when competing software systems, manual handoffs and a lack of streamlined workflow began taking a toll on the company’s internal operational efficiency and security–this fundamental focus became at risk.

The Challenge

Although had an existing Salesforce instance, it was not highly optimized and caused disruptive inefficiencies. Rather than offering a more process-driven experience,’s Salesforce environment overwhelmed users with too many fields and ultimately functioned as a mass data collection hub.

Essentially, was using Salesforce to drive sales, and all other subsequent workflows lacked a clear directional path–obscuring next steps for internal projects. Compounding these issues, the absence of a centralized workflow system prevented Salesforce from receiving crucial “downstream” project information that needed to be communicated to account managers. This created several critical issues including:

  • Inhibiting the efficiency of daily operations
  • Posing increasing security concerns–all users allowed unrestricted access to the Analytics platform
  • Drastically reducing reporting accuracy and the rate of company-wide Salesforce adoption due to manual information hand-off to team members working outside Salesforce

The Solution

Through process consulting and Salesforce platform customizations, Galvin Technologies enabled seamless information sharing between Salesforce and’s proprietary core AAA system–ultimately allowing both the Advertiser (Demand) and the Publisher (Supply) business units to drive similar workflows toward proper matches. This integration now promotes detailed results from Supply & Demand to be synthesized and synced back to Salesforce for Operational support.

Salesforce customization and upgrades included:

  • Improved Opportunity categories
  • Clean workflows
  • DocuSign and LinkedIn integration for efficient sales closings

The Results

Streamlined Workflow and Growth Potential Visualization: is now able to build reports per advertiser or per publisher–providing quantitative insights into strong performance and gap areas. In addition, the integration supports a significant boost in daily workflow efficiency and morale as the automated integration junctures support the team’s established workflow.

Improved Security: Leveraging standard Salesforce functionality and dynamic sharing via Account Teams, formulas, and lightning page components–’s data security risk areas have been significantly mitigated.

Next Steps

After this initial project phase, additional Salesforce opportunities became apparent; next project phase includes leveraging the Salesforce API to connect with an SEO tool–providing the ability to gather, track and subsequently better understand customers’ web site metrics. Salesforce will visually translate the data into easily digestible and actionable reports–supporting sales opportunities and growth.


We’d love to work with you on your Salesforce needs. Our team of certified Consultants can work closely with your team to close more deals. Call us at 317-297-2910 or complete the form below.

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