Why Web Design Projects Go Wrong

Web Design ProjectsWhen I am in the middle of scoping out a web design project I always use a saying – “the devil is in the details“. From a distance a requirement may look simple but when you start diving deeper into the requirements it becomes obvious why something takes as long as it does. A good project manager has to be committed to the details in order for a website project to be a success. It’s those unattractive details too that are so important. Details such as budget, timeline and requirements. Sure, anyone can design a great website but if it’s not on-time, on-budget and the expectations are not met then the end result is tarnished.


[tweet_quote] I’ve compiled a list of 5 reasons why web design projects go wrong.[/tweet_quote]

1. Managers Chose a Low Cost Web Design Option Over Experience

One of the biggest mistakes many make when it comes to designing websites is trying to save money by hiring someone who simply doesn’t have enough experience. The final result is a project that looks amateurish, doesn’t get finished, or fails to attract the attention of your target market. In the long run, you’re better off selecting a company with a great deal of web design and project management experience.

Prior to signing a contract with the web creation team, an agreement about your budget needs to be met.

2. Parameters Weren’t Created

You shouldn’t simply expect to give the project management team working on your website the name of your company and a deadline and expect them to come up with a fabulous design. Most web design experts are really good, but they still need some feedback from you. Its up to you to set some parameters and stay in communication with the project management team. Provide the company handling the design project with the information you need to have included in your web content and show them websites you admire.

On the other hand, being to involved in the web design project can also cause the project to fail. It’s okay for you to have an idea of what the final project will look like, it’s also important to remember that there’s a project manager who understands the components of a good web design. You need to allow them to do their job. If you become to demanding, they can fire you.

3. There was Unrealistic Expectations Regarding the Length of Time a Project Will Take

It’s easy to think that the only thing the project management team only has to choose a template and fill in a few details. There’s more to web design. Turning out a quality project takes time and effort. Give the company enough time to do a good job. You are free to check in on a regular basis and find out what progress has been made. Just remember to have a little patience.

4. Everyone Got so Caught up in the Details, They Forgot the Big Picture

Each web design consists of all kinds of components, and it’s really easy to get so caught up in some of these, that the big picture gets forgotten. Sometimes, obsessing over making sure the little details are completely perfect takes so much time, it becomes impossible for the project management team to complete the project on time. Even worse, once all the components get put together, they website doesn’t have any cohesiveness.

5. The Site Gets Launched, Even Though it’s not Really Complete

The temptation to launch a website even though the project management team hasn’t completely finished working on it is strong. This is a common and massive mistake. Links won’t work, your visitors won’t be able to find what they’re looking for, and there might be times that the project management team needs to close down the site so they can make upgrades. The situation can have a disastrous impact on members of your target market and even your search engine ranking. In the long run, you’ll be better off waiting a few days and making sure the site is truly ready to launch.

The good news is that web pages aren’t carved in stone. Even if mistakes get made, it can be taken off line and the web design tweaked until you have a stunning site.

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