What Google Thinks of Infographics and How You Should Handle Them

Infographics are images created by people that help explain a story and it’s facts in a visual and compelling manner. They have become popular over the past few years because

[tweet_quote]infographics are more likely to get shared via social channels.[/tweet_quote] In addition, infographics are oftentimes embedded on blog posts thus creating a back-link to another website. But Google is starting to see issues with this.

Google’s Matt Cutts explains that “People don’t always realize what they are linking to when they reprint these infographics. Often the link goes to a completely unrelated site, and one that they don’t mean to endorse.

On that note, Google could discount links from infographics thus discounting your blog post as a whole.

Therefore, it is suggested that if you plan to reprint infographics on your website you should consider using the nofollow link. This will let Google know that your infographic is meant to be on the website to educate, promote or generate leads while not for the purpose of improving your Google rankings.

How to Use Nofollow

When you have a hyperlink make sure you create like this:

Your Infographic Strategy

At Galvin we still recommend infographics. Due to their compelling and attractive designs infographics are pieces of content that oftentimes drive people to your website. So keep doing infographics but make sure you use the nofollow link.

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