Twitter Wrap-up for the Week of November 26 Through November 30

If you’re not following us on Twitter, here’s what you missed this week:

Web and Software Development

Technology and the Computer Industry

Web Design

Project Management and Business Analysis

Marketing and Social Media

  • RT @chrisbaggott What Zig Ziglar Taught Me About #ContentMarketing
  • RT @JeffSheehan The Nine Biggest Mistakes Businesses Make In Social Media Marketing #smm #brands
  • RT @jeffbullas 8 Reasons Why Social Media is Such a Powerful Marketing Medium
  • RT @imlauncher How to use #LinkedIn to drive Massive Traffic to your Site
  • RT @ErikJFisher DEBATE: Facebook is Not Blackmailing Brands Great counter point by @KatFrench to @Jasonfalls.
  • RT @jaybaer Are You a Marketing Cheater? The Continued Gamification of Attention (my new post)
  • RT @douglaskarr Is SEO content different from general content?
  • Miscellaneous Items of Interest

  • RT @555Press What do monkeys have to do with business management? Todd Whitaker’s book helps you manage your staff…
  • RT @StartupPro 6 Ways Startups Must Match the Pace of Change . First you have to get out of your comfort zone.
  • Don’t forget our #BloodDrive … December 7th at our headquarters. Drop by. Free cookies!
  • RT @StartupPro The Examiner: Manage your online reputation before it goes bad
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    — Also on Galvin Tech —