The Tweetly Wrap-Up: Week of February 20, 2012

Web Development

Project Management

  • We know that adding more resources to a failing project won’t save it. So, we especially loved this article that explains why throwing money, including time and resources, at a problem won’t save it.
  • Videos are a great way for project managers to capture low-performing or inefficient processes. Likewise, it may be just the proof you need to nudge project stakeholders in the right direction.
  • How do you make sure you get requirements right 99% of the time? Check out what our senior project manager, Crissy Koger, recommends to accurately obtain them from clients.
  • We thought this list of the 10 rules of project management was pretty spot on. We especially love #1: it’s always important to set and manage expectations up-front.
  • Project managers should go with their gut, but they should do it cautiously. Making decisions on intuitive insights, after all, is risky business.

Interactive Design

  • It’s almost the end of February, but it’s never too late to read what others are saying about web design trends for 2012.
  • Determining what your clients really want is a task in itself. We thought these recommendations were a great way to start communicating more effectively with client.
  • Designing for search engine optimization is the best way to promote your website to search engines. Designers have more power than they think to influence SEO and overall search rank.
  • How do you avoid the ghost of decisions past? One way is to hold regular design reviews to keep the creative team engaged with design principles and constraints.

Software Engineering

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