The Tweetly Wrap-Up: Week of February 13, 2012

Web Development

Project Management

Interactive Design

  • Designing for the ultimate user experience poses interesting questions about simplicity and complexity. How can designers ensure even the simplest things do not feel overly complicated?
  • Our senior interactive designer, Kiley LoCasio, shares her thoughts on designing for the user experience: “Editing is so important for the user experience. What is not on the screen is just as important as what is.”
  • Should typography honor content? There has always been a struggle to produce content before deciding upon design in the web industry, but we think this article sheds some meaningful light on putting content before design.
  • What’s the difference between a good user experience and a great user experience? Check out these 4 elements to see how it’s done.

Software Engineering

  • Can you spot the two truths and one lie? 2020 seems so far away, but there are already predictions for what’s ahead in the growing area of software development.
  • Apple is looking to quadruple its software development outsourcing to Indian-based technology companies. What do you think of Apple’s decision?
  • A new study reveals that software developers suffer greater stress than users that use the software they developed. Check out these other emotions that were analyzed during this particular study.
  • Education is so important, especially to youth. So we especially loved this article that discusses why we need to teach our kids to code.
  • Facebook may be releasing its core C++ library this year, which would give developer access to high-performance server-side computing.