The Next Frontier for Online Blogging

Online Blogging
Image courtesy of Dennis Skley

The virtual media and the online industry deal with changing trends all the time. Every second, every minute, a development in social networking happens or a new collaboration tool is being developed. As such, 

[tweet_quote]the general worth of the blogging industry and the bloggers themselves has experienced particular shifts.[/tweet_quote]

Not so long ago, blogging revolutionized the fair distribution of the ability to speak one’s mind by allowing absolutely anyone the chance to write their thoughts and have it published online for everyone’s consumption. For a time, the blogging industry has blurred the lines separating casual writing from actual journalism. Blog accounts were taken as an outlet for genuine blogger’s experience where one shared first-hand insights on food, tourist destinations, gadget review and the likes. This seemingly innocent trait of digital writing has now taken a stronger worth despite being at a competition against other forms of social networking websites. Online strategies are now shaping themselves around the very idea of blogging, and the idea of sharing experiences. In fact, much of blogging’s worth today is defined by its inclination towards online marketing, which is deemed to be the next frontier for the digital industry.

Blogging Before

Identifying the future of online blogging must begin with an evaluation of how the industry even began. Virtual blogging shot to fame after a series of micro-blogging hosts allowed its members to create online journals where they can provide an account of virtually anything they wish to write about. The advent of virtual writing ushered in an age where young teenagers and even some adults had a venue to share their thoughts, general ideas or specific reviews of particular trends. This venue became a stronghold for thinkers who were given an easy and free way to speak their minds. However, because of this freedom, virtual blogging also became a venue for unfiltered content. A feel of distrust developed towards the credibility of certain blogs and their respective bloggers. Since everyone can write about almost everything and anything, the value of the produced blogs became questionable. Thus, the blogging industry developed a certain value for authority and credibility, where a blog is not judged by its content but by the integrity of its author.

Blogging VS Other Social Networking Websites

Social networking websites have probably spawned from the blogging industry. One binding trait between both online industries is that they provide their users a venue to share certain things about them. However, recently, virtual blogging drew flak as social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter provided its users with more contemporary, albeit more restricting modes of expression. Facebook banked on creating an online persona where you can design the way people perceive you online. Its perennial query, what’s on your mind allows its users to provide snippets of their thoughts or the current activity they are doing. On the other hand, Twitter’s 140-character limit on every tweet seemed more appealing as opposed to the limitless space provided by blogging websites. This competition between the classic and limitless blogging versus the social networking website’s micro-sharing is seen to take a toll on the virtual blogging industry. More people are drawn to social networking websites and are led to the idea that blogging is thing of the past. However, today, blogging is experiencing a rebirth as virtual companies are developed and are beginning to see the value of virtual writing as one of several best practices for creating a virtual workforce. Today, virtual writing finds its value in online marketing.

Marketing Through Blogging

Virtual companies are viewed as an efficient way of project management and task management. Virtual companies utilize different collaboration software to draw workers and team members from any and all parts of the world. This efficiency provided by software project management enables collaboration to improve teamwork. In this field of virtual companies, the blogging industry is gold mine. Blogging provides unlimited audience, blogging is free and blogging provides limitless space. These three factors have contributed to both the rise and fall of the blogging industry, and today, collectively, these three factors made blogging an indispensable factor in virtual companies’ bid for online marketing. Today, the blogging industry sees its next frontier as the venue for marketing projects, products and services. Blogs are available to everyone, which means that connecting to the internet can now mean entering a virtual market where blogs provide information on available projects, products or services. Certain blogging hosts are free which means that it is cost-efficient as a marketing strategy. And lastly, blogging provides limitless space where a blogger can genuinely and exhaustively provide review of any and all products or services that he or she wishes to write about. These contributing factors make online marketing the next frontier for online blogging.

Anna Rodriguez is an online marketing, social media adn SEO expert and owns Homey Guide Blog. Follow her at @annrodriguez021

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