The Cornerstone of Good Customer Service

When I think what it means to provide good customer service, regardless of industry or service type, it always comes down to one thing, “I want to treat this client the exact same way that I’d want to be treated if I were in their shoes.” Ahhhh….the Golden Rule, right? It really can be that simple.

When it comes to any service that someone provides me, be it changing the oil in my car, getting a haircut, or even serving dinner at a local restaurant, providing me with good service always comes down to how well and how timely they communicate with me.

Are you running a little behind so my appointment is going to be a little later than expected? Or maybe the kitchen is out of what I ordered? All I ask is that you treat me the same way that you’d want to be treated in that situation and communicate those changes to me. Set and maintain my expectations throughout the experience and it’s highly likely that I’ll have a high opinion of my experience when I leave, even if it was a little late or not exactly what I wanted.

When it comes to servicing your website or web application, we here at Galvin believe those same rules apply. It’s because of this dedication to provide good customer service that we’ve implemented a structured support protocol that focuses on keeping our clients in the loop about the budget and timelines of their various requests.

A typical support request with Galvin would play out like this (see diagram as well):

  1. Client reports request via email or phone to our dedicated Support Manager.
  2. The Support Manager opens a Support Ticket and the client receives an automated email that a ticket has been opened on their behalf.
  3. A confirmation email is sent to the client that restates the request and establishes a baseline for the cost of the completing the request and a completion date.
  4. The client then confirms the request and the Galvin team begins work on the changes.
  5. After the changes are completed, they are uploaded to a secure test server and a link is sent to the client so that they may review the changes prior to them being made public.
  6. Once approved, the changes are pushed over to the live website or application.

As you can see, the entire process is focused on clear communication of budget and timeline so that the expectations are set and maintained right from the very beginning.