First Write Your Content for Your Audience Then for Search Engines

You may be doing various SEO initiatives but are you converting your audience on your website? SEO has the power to increase traffic to your website but if your website content is stale or lacking clear value proposition then you are making it difficult to convert your audience. If you write your website content for search engines there is a tendency to write with too many keywords but very little substance. Instead, make sure your content serves its purpose and is clear and concise for the audience you are targeting. Then go back and adjust the content with SEO keywords, referrer sites, or other traffic stimulants.

Typically, website content is meant to educate, engage, and sell. Educating happens at an early stage in the buying process and involves qualifying your company as well as teaching more about the benefits you have to offer. Engaging is when your audience interacts with your website such as downloading a whitepaper, scheduling a demo, or signing up for a company newsletter. Selling is when you clearly describe your products and services in order to help your audience decide what they will purchase.

When you write your content think of these three messages and create a primary goal. Your content should be written to a specific audience, have a clear goal, and point to an ultimate outcome. Only after your content is written correctly should you tailor with appropriate and meaningful keywords for search engines.

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