Twitter Wrap-Up for the Week of December 17 through 21

If you’re not following us on Twitter, here’s what you missed this week:

Web and Software Development

Technology and the Computer Industry

Web Design

Project Management and Business Analysis

Marketing and Social Media

  • RT @erp_insights White Paper 10 Best Practices for Social Media Marketing Success
  • What Do Social Media Managers Actually Do?
  • I still like these posts: Top 5 Social Media #Fails for 2012.
  • RT @marksasmith 6 Fast Methods to Finding New Customers: Quick and Simple Prospecting You Can Do Today #sales
  • Google+ wows its users by actually giving them the updates they asked for … and more Craziness!
  • RT @MelissaOnline: Content Marketing: Clearing Up the Confusion, Trends to Watch in 2013 via @NealSchaffer
  • RT @CPollittIU 7 Common #SEO Myths to Throw Out the Window Immediately … via @HubSpot
  • Social media is great, but how can you tell if you’re going to make money on that investment?
  • RT @MySocialSuccess The Building Blocks of a Sound Social Media Policy | @SMM rt @ZahidaKhan #socialmedia –
  • Stop Looking at Facebook Insights
  • Fascinating Facebook Facts for Marketers
  • RT @monsterlists Social Media Workflow
  • RT @Crowdcontent 7 Tips on How to Get Your Blog Read, Now via @onswipe
  • RT @ProSocialTools Great advice. Really: Get More Blog Readers Using Lessons from Email Marketers
  • RT @TimothyCarter Social Media Explained with #Coffee? #Caffeine
  • RT @davidaharding How to Use Google+ for Business
  • The Forgotten Social Networks: It’s Not ALWAYS About Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIN
  • RT @ErikJFisher A Few Reasons Why You’d Want To Download All Of Your Tweets
  • RT @afhitcom Here is a list of web tools like themes and social networking engine sites can help promote your web pages
  • Miscellaneous Items of Interest

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