We Are In This Together

Business Resources to Battle COVID-19

We Care

The Open for Business Hub lists technology companies that are helping businesses by offering free technology solutions to enable your remote workforce.

Salesforce Quip

While working remote you can improve collaboration with employees and customers. Get Salesforce Quip for Free!


When you give blood you are making a great impact on your local community. Blood Banks Need Your Help!

Empathy & Why it Matters

During these times we need each other more than ever as we all have different experiences.  Leading with empathy is the foundation to building genuine trust and connection with employees, vendors and customers. When you’re able to understand where they’re coming from, the greater ability you have to influence and guide them to the right solution.

Client Spotlight: Nine Line Apparel Shifts Manufacturing to Produce Much Needed Face Masks

How Galvin Uses Quip

From meeting notes to standard operating procedures everything we do is in Salesforce Quip.  In our recent blog post we detail how Galvin uses Salesforce Quip and hopefully this will give you some ideas on how your team can collaborate remotely with Quip.

Severe Blood Shortage
Due to COVID-19

40% of blood donations come from blood drives at local schools and businesses. Because these schools and business are closed there is a severe shortage of blood donations. When you give blood you are making a great impact on your local community. Blood Banks Need Your Help

Do You Have Questions?

We’re all in this together. If you have questions, comments, suggestions or anything else that we can share with our community in response to COVID-19 please fill out the form below. Be Safe and Stay Home!