Using Salesforce Client Portals to GALVINize Your Mission

Wish your nonprofit could focus less on tedious administrative tasks and more on meaningful, mission-critical work? Now you can with Salesforce client portals powered by Experience Cloud. Join the team from Galvin Technologies as we explore the possibilities of customized portals that create personalized digital experiences for constituents. 

In this 30-minute video, members of our Nonprofit Practice dive into three real client portals to demonstrate the possibilities in action. While unique in their application of Experience Cloud portals, the organizations share a common goal: offering a branded self-service process that is easy for users and efficient for staff.

Sitar Arts Center (Washington, D.C.)

Explore the organization’s multi-step registration process complete with verification checks, data formatting, information autofill, and site-wide Spanish conversion.

ChildCare Aware (St. Paul, Minnesota)

See how the nonprofit ditched management via spreadsheet by publishing all program applications online including simple eligibility checks for users. Tabs are everywhere throughout an org, but now you don’t have to see all of them. Conditional Visibility for Tabs allows you to show or hide tabs based on the user.

Hope Toledo (Toledo, Ohio)

Discover Hope Toledo’s centralized hub for grantees designed to digitally manage funding-related processes like expense reimbursements, participant support requests, and program outcome reports.

Start envisioning the potential for portals in your nonprofit by peeking at what other organizations are doing. Learn how they have improved efficiency, closed constituent communication gaps, and overcome bad data to give new momentum to their missions.

Ready to GALVINize Your Mission?

This 30-minute video will explore the possibilities of Salesforce client portals that create personalized digital experiences for constituents.  Complete the form below to tune in:


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