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Project Management

We Are Passionate About Being On-Time and In-Budget

We often hear about web or software projects that went sour because they went well past the deadline and exceeded the budget.  It’s not because of the lack of knowledge, but rather than lack of paying attention to the details.  In web and software projects, it’s the microscopic details that will  make the biggest impact when not managed properly.

Galvin is best known for being on time and within budget on every project.  It’s our project management capabilities that set us apart and thus make the project and client/vendor relationship a success.  Galvin views each project as a collaborative effort – a partnership leveraging client knowledge and expertise, combined with our software engineering service experience. As such, our approach to project management encompasses:

  • Continuous focus on meeting your real business needs.
  • Joint definition of project requirements and appropriate service offerings to meet those requirements.
  • Adherence to proven methodologies to drive shared understanding of functional, user, architectural, security, database, development, testing, implementation, and training requirements.
  • Clearly defined Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for all project activities to promote achievement of specific deliverables and milestones.
  • Adherence to planning methods that mandate each task be less than 40 hours to provide for measurable progress towards key deliverables on a weekly basis.
  • Consistent and regular client communication conducted onsite at your location on a weekly basis to monitor project progress and proactively manage project schedules and resources.
  • Routine communication with project sponsorship to promote visibility to project progress and issues that negatively impact project progress.
  • Effective issue tracking and escalation according to proven risk mitigation practices.

Communications and Information Management

We remain in close contact with you through participation in work efforts and deliverables review meetings occurring according to the project schedule, as well as via e-mail and telephone.  You will always have insight into our current phase of work and upcoming events.

All deliverables produced during the course of the project will be made available in both hard copy and electronic format.  Documentation will be stored and retained as outlined in the Project Management Plan developed at the onset of the project.  Work in progress documentation will be provided to you as needed in order to evaluate the progress of deliverable production.

With Galvin, you will never wonder what the status of your project is. We are transparent with requirements, timelines, budgets, and issues.

Featured Resources

Getting Ready for a Responsive Web Design Project

    Creating a responsive web design is imperative if you want to appeal to as wide a market as possible. With so many people accessing the web on all types of devices, from small [...]

10 Apps for the Savvy & Creative Software Project Manager

If you are in charge of varying software development or technology projects for your company, you are likely consumed by the many facets each project presents. Whether it is managing resources, updating budgets or presenting [...]

Software Development: How to Prevent Scope Creep

Scope creeps are definitely the worst of the nightmares that project managers, busy with large software development projects, are often haunted by. Not only this tendency causes huge amount of stress at an individual level [...]